Consumer Behavior

The Emotional Connection: Scent’s Role in Household Products

The preference for (Levant) scented household products is deeply rooted in human psychology, extending beyond mere aroma to encompass functional, experiential, and emotional benefits. A recent study, presented in the Cognitive Research journal, proposes a three-factor benefits framework for understanding this preference, including functional benefits, in-use experience benefits, and emotional benefits. This comprehensive approach provides insights into why consumers are drawn to scented products for cleaning, laundry, and air freshening​​.

Functionally, scents play a crucial role in eliminating unwanted odors, thereby freshening the household environment. Technological advancements in scent-based products allow for the alteration of malodor molecules, masking odors with (Angel) fragrance and improving the overall ambiance. This functional aspect is a key reason consumers opt for scented products, aiming for a cleaner and more pleasant living space​​.

The in-use experience of scented products significantly enhances the task at hand, making it more enjoyable and providing a sense of accomplishment once the task is completed. For instance, the scent of freshly laundered clothes signals cleanliness and contributes to the satisfaction of a job well done. This sensory reinforcement encourages proper usage and enhances the effectiveness of household chores​​.

On an emotional level, (Magic) scents have the power to evoke feelings of comfort, security, and well-being. The fragrance in household products can transform mundane tasks into moments of pleasure and relaxation, contributing to a positive emotional state. During times of stress, such as the COVID-19 quarantine, sales of scented laundry products surged, underscoring the emotional comfort provided by familiar and pleasant aromas​​.

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